3D Inspirations is a corporation that has a focus on helping individuals to develop the right mindset to develop successful practices in order to compete in a global economy. Bernard has spent 30 years in the corporate world observing, analyzing, and researching the secrets of very successful entrepreneurs. He is a former senior vice president, chief operating officer, and chief technology officer, and has Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in accounting. He has developed the knowledge and insight to create a methodology that can help anyone transform a stagnant life into a triumphant one. His company works with individuals to prepare them for a productive and meaningful life. They help anyone construct the best version of self to thrive in a dynamic world.
Oftentimes, deciding the next step in a person’s career can be a crippling and daunting decision. Some feel like they are stuck at a standstill as they watch others flourish. 3D Inspirations helps individuals effectively navigate the next essential steps to success.
Bernard McArthur is a frequent radio guest on various New York radio stations, such as WBLS, WLIB, and has appeared on several upstate radio programs. He has lectured at major business conferences and at colleges and universities, and he also travels as a photojournalist. He has completed studies on various business philosophies in many countries across five different continents.
Email: info@3dinspirations.net
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/3_dinspirations
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/3_dinspirations
Phone: (855) 569-1500
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